The interface is made up of 8 modules: Player, List, Overview, Timeline, Validation, Comments, Annotation and Glossary. 

You can choose which of the modules you would like displayed on screen and their sizes in relation to each other. Hover the mouse close to the edge of a module and the cursor will change, allowing you to click and drag to your desired size. 

The Validation, Comments, Annotation and Glossary modules will always be underneath the Player. 

They 'share' this area, which will always be as wide as the Player module. If the Player module is sized big enough, they will each have their own separate areas. If there is not enough space to show them all they will automatically combine, and be accessible via Tabs. The priority order for display collapsed modules is Validation, then Comments, then Annotation, then Glossary. 

The Timeline, if displayed, will always be at the bottom of screen, either full width or the width of the Player, depending on which Workspace you choose.

For more information see: