
The editing of text and title timings can be done in this section, with separate areas for Text, Second text (for dual languages only), and Reference text (read-only).

To display the second or reference text, select the “Fields” option from the top right “3 dots” icon. The second text will appear below the Text and the reference text will appear to the side of it, but may move above the text if the editing module is too small.

To adjust the text size, go to “Options/Preferences/Basic” and select different sizes for Text, Second Text, and Reference text. These changes will also apply to the text size on the Timeline. However, the options do not affect the size of the titles in the Player, Validation, Comments, Annotation, or Glossary.

Along the bottom of the List Module, you will see a helpful summary of the titles list, including the number of selected titles; total number of titles; how many titles have comments submitted against the; how many 'open' titles, and how many of the titles have validation errors.



Title Navigation

You can scroll through titles Using PageUp or PageDown default Keyboard Shortcuts. Or via the scroll bar or Mouse Wheel. 

To use the Mouse Wheel, the mouse pointer must be within the Editing module. 

Amending the Timing

The In cue, Duration and Out cue can be “nudged” from here. Hover the mouse over the timecode to be edited and up/down arrows appear for you to nudge the value up or down. 

If the Timeline is displayed, you will see the result updated in real time. 

If you nudge the timings too close to the next or previous titles, those titles will be automatically adjusted to keep the gap between titles as set in Preferences. 

It will not allow you to nudge timings too close to other titles or to accidentally create overlapping titles. 

You can also adjust the timings cues via Keyboard Shortcuts.


Validation Bar

There is a validation bar visible for the active title. This will help advise how close you are within the chosen setting and parameters. 

Options for what the validation bar is checking against is are available by choosing the “3 dots” icon, then selecting “Validation”. You can choose between: Chars/Title; Chars/Second; Chars/Line or None.

These options can also be set as default in the menu item “Options/Preferences/Title validation/Title bar on…”. 

The preferences screen can also be used to set several other default validation parameters.

Title List Menu

Within the vetical 3-dots menu in the top right of the List Module, you will see the below additional settings: 

Show as sticky list – The active title will stay in the same position on screen and the entire list scrolls when there is a title change 

Show as list – The active title will update but the list will stay in the same position on screen. The list will only scroll when the active title is at the bottom of the screen 

Sticky Position – Choose the position of the active text box – 2nd, 3rd, 4th, or 5th. This will allow you to choose the number of previous titles that are displayed above the active title.

Height of the title fields – Auto or Fixed. Auto will automatically reduce the height of the title field depending on how much text there is present. Fixed will display a fixed height, that will increase if more lines are created.

Validation Bar – You can select the validation parameters

Fields – Select which text fields are displayed, Reference Text; Second Text; Annotation.

Default Focus Field – Select which text field is in focus when navigating through the titles.

Show duration – This shows or hides the duration timecode 

Show Flag - If flags have been added to the file such as “Main Title”, Narrative Title” etc. you can choose to show or hide these. For reference only.

Show open – This shows or hides the “Open” flag box. For reference only.

Black background - This shows the title editing background as either black or white. Preview only, no effect on the exported subtitle file.

Align text – This will show the titles either left aligned or centred within the editing area. Preview only, no effect on the exported subtitle file



The ‘Sync’ Icon allows you disengage the List from the Player. Switched on, the List will update with the Player. Switched off, the List will not update. 


Additional buttons displayed above the list view: 

Add at Current time – Inserts a new title at the current player time position

Add after last title – Inserts a new title at the end of the title list.


Viewing Italics in Blue

You can activate this setting via the menu “Options/Preferences/Edit/Display italic text in blue”. 

Switched on, any text which is in italics will display in blue in the editing module. It has no effect on the Player display, it is just an easy way to identify text in italics. You can also assign a shortcut key to toggle it on and off.