
Meta's Online Editor comes with a comprehensive list of available keyboard shortcut commands available via the Options/Shortcuts menu. 

There are a set of default shortcuts already assigned but you can customise these and add new ones. By assigning commonly used functions to shortcuts, users can save time navigating through the different modules and functionalities, thus reducing the need to constantly switch between the keyboard and mouse.

For more details, see: Keyboard Shortcuts - Overview, Keyboard Shortcuts - Detail



Opens a screen which has various default and user definable settings for the operation of the software. 

Please note, certain values can be toggled between Seconds and Frames:



Show toolbar - Shows a formatting toolbar at the top of the software 

Default Time Input Focus Field – Select whether seconds or frames should be the default editable field within the time field.

Text appearance - Allows you to choose editing text size for various fields



Update player on active title – Choose whether this is active or not. Active as default 

Lead time for play active title function - Set the desired video pre-roll amount 

Playback speed - Set the default video play speed 

Subtitle Preview position - Set the percentage height from the bottom of the screen. For preview only, has no impact on final positioning.

Subtitle Preview Size - The size text appears in the Player 

Subtitle Preview Style - Options for viewing text in the Player 

Subtitle Preview Field - The text editing field which will display in the Player 

Audio preview - Will play a predefined section of audio whenever you go to the next title 

Audio preview time - The amount of time audio preview is played


Update edit module on preview – True as default 

Edit Mode - Choose how the list behaviours. Sticky List - fixed position of the active title or standard List with no fixed position..

Display italic text in blue - Choose if italicised text is displayed in blue. This is to aid visibility as to which text is italicised. True as default 

Spellcheck - Choose if spellcheck function is active or not.

Show Duration - Choose if the subtitle duration is displayed.

Show Open - Choose if the 'Open' check box is visible within each Subtitle. To be used for quick reference for any subtitles that you may wish to come back to, or have outstanding comments associated.

Black background - The colour of the text editing module background. Black background with white text or white background with black text.

Align text - ‘False’ will align the text to the left and ‘True’ will align the text centre within the editing module 

Switch between add-title and add-title-after. if called subsequently

Default duration of title - choose the default duration of any new subtitles that are added.

Default focus field - Choose between Text, second text or none. 

Focus behaviour: place caret at start or end of text - This relates to where the cursor goes when you click in a title edit box. 

Add-after end time calculation - maximum - The maximum difference of current media time to start time at which the Add-After function takes the player time as the outcue of new title.

Edit mode - ALL-STICKY keeps the Player, Timeline and Editing modules in sync 

Fields – Choose what to show in the editing module



Options for what should be active for autocorrection

For more details, see: Title Validation and Autocorrection


Options for what is displayed, or hidden, on the Timeline 


Title validation

Options to choose parameters for error checking etc. 

For more details, see: Title Validation and Autocorrection



Options for what to save for the next session.

Here you can choose to have the browser delete selected data. This can't be undone.


Provides detailed information and data about the task you are working in