How to complete a task in Meta will depend on the type of task you have been assigned. See below for information regarding the different task types:


Online Editor

Start work action: "Go To Work"

When you have finished translating or reviewing a file in an Online Editor task, follow these steps to change the task status:

  1. Click on 'Change Job Status' in the top right corner of the screen. 
  2. Enter any comments you wish to make about the task (optional). You can return to the Online Editor page without losing your comments, by selecting the Close button.
  3. Click on 'Submit and Change Status' when you are ready to complete the task.
  4. Wait for the loading icon to disappear and the blue pop-up message 'Job successfully submitted' to appear at the bottom of the screen.
  5. You will be returned to your home page, where you will no longer have access to this task.
  6. Meta will automatically open the next task in the workflow, which may involve EIKON reviewing/exporting your work or an additional reviewer accessing your task.
  7. If the next task is an Approval task, the reviewer may leave comments or edits and mark the task as 'Not Approved'. In this case, the task will reopen for you automatically and you will receive an email notification from Meta.

Please let us know if you have any questions about this process.

Online Review

Start work action: To Review Page

Once the review task is available for you, you will receive an email notification from the Meta system. To access the review file, simply click on the "To Review Page" button.

From there, you can review any provided documents. If it is a PDF file, you can view it directly within Meta. If it's not a PDF, you can download the file from the Online Review task, and review locally on your computer.

After you have reviewed the file, select the "Change Job Status" button (located at the top right corner of the screen).

You will then be asked to confirm your approval status with a "Yes" or "No" option.

If you are approving the file, click "Yes," followed by "Change Status."

If you are not approving and need EIKON to make changes, select "No" and provide a reason for not approving. Then, click "Change Status." You can also upload a revised file if required, if so please leave a comment indicating this. 

You can leave comments and select "Cancel" to return to the file. Your comments will be saved.

Once you complete the review, you will be directed back to your home page, and the task will no longer be available.

Meta will automatically open the next task in the workflow, which may involve EIKON reviewing/exporting your work or another reviewer accessing your task.

Please let us know if you have any questions about this process.

Report Task

Start work action: Mark as done

Meta's Report tasks provide users with the ability to perform actions that are not directly related to the Online Review or Online Editor task types. These tasks may be the final step in a workflow that allows you to access or download a final file from the Meta project files tab, or it may simply be a task that requires your acknowledgment.

Details of what the task is related to will be provided in the task summary.

To complete a Report task, simply select 'Mark as done' once you have finished the required action, such as downloading the available file. Once you mark the task as done, it will be removed from your home page.

If you mistakenly mark the task as done before completing the necessary steps outlined in the task description, you can get in touch with us and we will reopen the task for you.

Please let us know if you have any questions about this process.

File Delivery

Start work action: Deliver

Meta's File Delivery task type, allows you to directly upload required files or documents that may be being requested for the project.

Clicking on the 'Deliver' button, will take you to the the Deliver tab of the task.

Here you can click 'Choose file' to browse and select locally on your computer.

Once a file has been uploaded, press OK. The task will automatically close, returning you to your home page.

If you need to upload more than one file here, you can amend the "# of files" field accordingly. This will increase the number of file slots presented.

Please let us know if you have any questions about this process.