In some cases, you may need to reassign a task in Meta to another user, for example, if you have been assigned a task but are unable to complete it.

To reassign a task, go to Info and check if the blue "Reassign Job" button is visible. If it's not visible, it means you cannot reassign that particular task, and you should contact the EIKON account manager if you require assistance.

If the button is visible, click on it and select the user from the dropdown menu to whom you want to reassign the task. You may also provide an optional comment explaining why you're reassigning the task.

To confirm the reassignment, click on "Reassign Job". The task will be removed from your home page, and the user you selected will receive an email notification about the reassignment.

Note that the user you're reassigning the task to must have matching credentials and be associated with the task, such as having the same client and language credentials set.

If you have any questions about the reassignment process, please contact your EIKON account manager or email