The newly designed Project and Task information panel, provides a streamlined and efficient way to manage and track your work within the Online Editor. It provides users with important job-related details, including the project name, part/reel, job language, job type, job ID, and project frame rate. This information is useful for keeping track of the progress of your work and ensuring that you are working on the correct project and task.

Pressing the Home button will automatically save your work and return you to the Meta home page.

The Events button displays a list of all previous Online Editor tasks that have been completed within this part/reel and language. This information can be helpful for tracking the history of a project and identifying the order of events that may have occurred. Any Job level comments are also displayed here, along with details as to who and when the task was completed.

The Change Job Status button is where you can confirm task completion and optionally leave comments about your work. 

If this is an Approval /Proofing you are approving or proofreading a task, you will be asked to indicate whether the file is approved or not. If you are not approving a task, please leave comments indicating what changes you would like made.

When you are ready to close and complete the task, simply select the Submit and Change Status button. 

You will then be automatically redirected back to the Meta home page, and the next task in the workflow will open.