The Meta Preferences menu allows users to customize their Meta experience according to their preferences. Here's what you need to know about the Preferences menu:

Get to Know the Preferences Menu

We recommend taking time to familiarize yourself with the many different options available in the Preferences menu.

Personalize Your Meta Experience

The Preferences menu allows you to personalize your Meta experience, including display options and other personal customisation settings.

Access Technical Validation Rules and Criteria

The Preferences menu also provides access to technical validation rules and criteria for subtitle translation.

Greyed Out Settings

Some settings in the Preferences menu may appear greyed out and uneditable. This is because they are project-specific and reflective of certain values that cannot be changed, as per our Client guidlines.

Export and Import Settings

Users can export their settings and save them to a file. This file can then be imported if the user clears their cookies/cache or is using Meta on a different computer.

For more information about each of the Preference menus, see: Online Editor: Menu Navigation - Preferences