Review the Subtitle Translations

In order to review the translated subtitles, ensure you have the workspace set appropriately - displaying the information that is important to you.

The new Online Editor offers various pre-set workspace views accessible through the View/Workspace menu. While the default view is suitable for most cases, you can customize and adjust elements based on your preferences.

For instance, if you prefer to just watch the video with translations, and have the Timeline module visible, you can select the "Player and Timeline" pre-set. 

On the other hand, if the Timeline module is not essential, you can remove it from the screen by navigating to View and deselecting "Timeline." 

This allows for more screen space to focus on the List Module, where translations and timecodes are displayed.

You also have the flexibility to adjust the position of the active subtitle, allowing you to specify the number of subtitles to display before or after the active title.

Make Changes

If the settings of your task permit, you have the ability to directly modify the Subtitle translation text or adjust the In/Out Cue.

There are several approaches to accomplish this, and the most efficient method is by utilizing Keyboard shortcuts. However, you can also make adjustments using a combination of mouse and keyboard inputs.

Leave Comments

If you would prefer to leave comments against specific Subtitles for the translator to review you can do so within the Comments Module.

Activate the Comments Module with your mouse by selecting the 'up' arrow, or use default shortcut 'alt+c'.

After leaving your comment - press Enter to submit.

Change Job Status

After completing the review of the file, select 'Change Job Status': 

Then simply select 'Submit and Change Status' to complete the task.

Approve or Reject

Depending on your task settings and workflow, you may have the option to either approve or reject the task.

If you choose to approve the file, the task will be closed, and the next task in the workflow will become available.

On the other hand, if you reject the file, it will be sent back to the previous task for the assignee to make the necessary changes. They will be able to see any comments you have left at the job level or on specific subtitles. Once the changes are made, the task will be reopened for you to review again.

To change the job status, click on the "Change Job Status" button and select either "Approved Yes" or "Approved No." You can also add a comment if necessary. Finally, click on "Submit and Change Status" to proceed.