EIKON highly recommended that you do not import your own subtitle file in to Meta's Online Editor. Instead we advise you enter your translations and timing adjustments directly in the Online Editor.

Where importing a file is required, you can achieve this via the File / Open Subtitle file, or Advanced Import menu.

Open Subtitle File

Browse to the locally saved, supported file, on your computer. Double click the required file, and this will automatically import to the Text field.

Warning: All existing titles, Reference Text, comments and annotations will be overwritten.

Advanced Import

Advanced Import option allows you to import a file, with optional parameters and control.

You are provided a preview of the import before you select 'Apply'.


Browse your machine for the locally stored, support file.


Selected Only: Once you have chosen your file, you can manually select specific title you wish to be imported. Use 'ctrl+mouse click' to select multiple, or 'Shift+mouse click' to select a range of titles.

Import Time values only: Imports only the In cue and Out cue from the file.

Included End Time: Adds 1 frame to the end time of each 


Choose whether to apply a positive or negative offset time value.

At Current Time: Imports the file at the current player time position.


Choose between:

Replace existing titles - Overrides any existing titles that may be present

Add to existing titles - adds to any existing titles that may be present

Merge with existing titles - Merges the new file, with any existing titles. You can also amend the Merge behaviour and tolerance values here.


Select the required destination of the titles after import:
Text, Second Text; Reference Text or Annotation


Once you have selected all your required options and parameters, select the Apply button to confirm and import the file.